My Guy's Followers

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom, You're the best!!!

 We never know the love of the parent until we become parents ourselves.
-Henry Ward Beecher

She's never get tired of thinking of us, praying that we are all safe and in good condition, providing unconditional love, and giving all their best just to make sure we are okay. This is how my mom, Eleonor, show her love to our family. Even though numerous struggles comes in to our way, she'll always be there and help us.

I miss our small talk about things like food, simple jokes, places, and more. I even miss the times when she's very mad, but then she'll smile when we start hugging her. If I will be given the chance to choose a mother, I will definitely never let go of her. My mom is the ONLY mother I will always treasure...

Mom, thank you so much to everything. I'm so proud of you and we love you. Happy mother's day!!!


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